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Feb. 10, 2023


COLLECTIVE WRITINGS of Magick & Yoga of the West and East By: Frater שבת נויט (Matthew M. Luxor) M.:M.:M.: 0° & Frater Sapientia Sageus (Jeff Henderson) B.O.T.A. ⛥ Constructed in part by the co-authorship of both the Qabalistic & Alkemical Temple Ov Obsidian Flame & the O∴M∴D∴ शिव की जय ⛥ Collective Writings of Magick Collectiva Scriptorum Hermeticorum 𐬽 O∴M∴D∴ אני אדון הכול יכול אני השכינה אלהים אני 𐦊=☉ tabula magna contentorum libri huius: 1. The Duality of Reality by: Brother Saturday Night 2. The Birth of Babalon by: Jack Parsons 3. The Oathe Ov The Adepti Bodhisattva By: Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus 4. A Short Treatise on Marijuana By: Roxul Akcigam 5. The Sage Ov Sophia Working By:\~ Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus 6. Et Facere Album (A To Do List) By: Unknown 7. The Sage of Sophia Working By: Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus 8. Khemicals (Une recette d'opium) By Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus 9. The Ancient Mage By: Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus 10. Liber ∴ Kundalini ∴ 11. My Name is Frater Saturday Night! By: Frater שבת נויט 12. PINTS OV PAIN By: Fratre סאפּינטיאֶ 13. The 5th Pentacle of Mars, a Protection Spell (Άρης) Protégez-vous avant de vous ruiner באבאלען The birth of BABALON The Birth of Babalon (by John Whiteside Parsons, 1914-1952 e.v.) "What is the tumult among the stars that have shone so still till now? What are the furrows of pain and wrath upon the immortal brow? Why is the face of God turned grey and his angels all grown white? What is the terrible ruby star that burns down the crimson night? What is the beauty that flames so bright athwart the awful dawn? She has taken flesh, she is come to judge the thrones ye rule upon. Quail ye kings for an end is come in the birth of BABALON. I have walked three dreadful nights away in halls beyond despair, I have given marrow and tears and sweat and blood to make her fair. I have lain my love and smashed my heart and filled her cup with blood, That blood might flow from the loins of woe to the cup of brotherhood. The cities reel in the shout of steel where the sword of war is drawn. Sing ye saints for the day is come in the birth of BABALON. Now God has called for his judgement book and seen his name therein And the grace of God and the guilt of God have spelt it out as sin His bloody priests have clutched his robes and stained his linen gown And his victims swarm from his broken hell to drag his kingdom down. O popes and kings and the little gods are sick and sad and wan To see the crimson star that bursts like blood upon the dawn While trumpets sound and stars rejoice at the birth of BABALON BABALON is too beautiful for sight of mortal eyes She has hidden her loveliness away in lonely midnight skies, She has clothed her beauty in robes of sin and pledged her heart to swine And loving and giving all she has brewed for saints immortal wine. But now the darkness is riven through and the robes of sin are gone, And naked she stands as a terrible blade and a flame and a splendid song Naked in radiant mortal flesh at the Birth of BABALON. She is come new born as a mortal maid forgetting her high estate, She has opened her arms to pain and death and dared the doom of fate, And death and hell are at her back, but her eyes are bright with life, Her heart is high and her sword is strong to meet the deadly strife, Her voice is sure as the judgement trump to crack the house of wrong, Though walls are high and stone is hard and the rule of hell was long The gates shall fall and the irons break in the Birth of BABALON Her mouth is red and her breasts are fair and her loins are full of fire, And her lust is strong as a man is strong in the heat of her desire, And her whoredom is holy as virtue is foul beneath the holy sky And her kisses will wanton the world away in passion that shall not die. Ye shall laugh and love and follow her dance When the wrath of God is gone And dream no more of hell and hate in the Birth of BABALON" The Oathe Ov The Adepti Bodhisattva By:\~ Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus ∴ The Oathe Ov The Adepti∴ "I Swear upon Blood and Altar and Brotherhood and Sisterhood; I Will Accomplish The Great Work! 111-11111-111 I further promise and swear that with the Divine Permission, I will from this day forward, apply myself to the Greatest Ov Work—which is: to purify and exalt my Spiritual Nature so that with the Divine Aid I may at length attain to be more than human, and thus gradually raise and unite myself to my Higher and Divine Genius, and that in this event I will not abuse the great power entrusted to me. Furthermore∴ My Magickal Oathe as the Ipsissimus ov thine own Inner College has been consecrated for; The Transcendence out ov Samsara has little to do with what was once Jeffrey Henderson. I Pledge my Etetnal Soul to the Great Work Ov the Bodhisattva!" -Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus ∴ 1-15-2023 𓉡 A Short Treatise on the Magick of Marijuana By: Magicka M. Luxor (Fra. Shabbat Nuit) The Cannabis herb has had a short history in the Western world as a psycho-active substance, not until the 14th century did Europeans actually begin to smoke marijuana orally. The idea of such a thing was so foreign actually after Christopher Colombus went to the Americas; he wrote later in retrospect of his journal that the natives actually "Drank smoke". However in the East, where Cannabis originated; it has a rich history. Names like Ganja, and Kush are evident linguistic signatures of this, with places like the Hindu Kush mountains, and the very holy Ganges river or Gunga of India. Cannabis INDI-ca is another etymology sign because of course the subcontinent of INDI-A is because it is home of the people of the IND-us Valley. Very proficient and profound smokers and tokers of marijuana in the East are the devotees of Shivah, the Logos of the Vedic religion who is seen as the "Great God '' or "Mahadeva '' (Great Being of Light). The yogis, babas, & sadhus of this sect say that it brings them in close contact with Shiva. Shivah, as I said is the Logos of the Hindu creation story, and it is for this exact reason why in Aleister Crowely's syncretic publication on Hermetic the Qabalistic correspondences; he (or whoever wrote it) aligned Shivah with the 2nd Sephriot of Chokmah on the Tree of Life. Chokhmah is the Sphere of the Logos or the Wisdom of the Word of God, Lord Shiva's primordial drum slap that formed the Universe. There are a number of correspondences that one are assigned to these Sephriot or Spheres: Planetary names (Heavens of Assiah, or Mundane Chakras), Angelic rulers, Divine Names, Gods,etc. Why I mention this is because the divine name of Chokhmah is "JAH", or "YAH". יה Yod Heh in Hebrew. Funny that the Rastas of Jamaica say their god "Jah" can be found in the agrarian spirit of Marijuana. But in the same book as mentioned earlier, Crowley describes Cannabis as having both Mercurial & Venusian association. In COLUMN XLIII ``Vegetable Drugs" of Liber 777 Crowley states, "7-8 Cannabis Indica and Anhalonium Lewinii appear to act on both these sephiroth. They produce mood voluptuous visions which pertain to Venus, and in another confer the power of self-analysis, which is Mercurial." In Qabbalah there is a feminine deity known as “Shekinah”, she is known as a liberating spirit and energy who takes on many forms. In syncretism it is agreed upon that the Goddess is almost synonymous with the Hindu goddess Shakti. Shekinah takes on many form much like the Hindu Gods which are actually just a multitude of expressions of one thing. Shekinah is not only also Tzaphkiel, but also Raphael the Healer, and Uriel (The Light or "AUR"of EL(אוריאל) who's the consort unto Sandalphon) , and believe or not also she is "the poison of God'' SAMAEL. (סמאל) Shakti is also Shiva,and Kali, and by default every other God, and Kali is also the Liberator of Hindu Vedantic spiritual development. In light of the Goddess another name for Marijuana is Mary-Jane which I find interesting. But the Venusian Sphere of the Tree of Life is Netzach. Earth of Fire, the Creative Mother Goddess. Funny that stoners, and even great Sadhus & Yogis use Fire to Burn the Green Venusian herb that helps Liberate them. A To Do List: by Anon. ● SPIT ON A CRUCIFIX ● FUCK A GOAT ● BREAK ALL 10 COMMANDMENTS ● CREATE NEW ONES ● BREAK THOSE ● KILL YOURSELF ● DRINK LOTS OF BLOOD ● DANCE IN THE FULL MOON (Picture from Eliphis Levi's "Dogme et Rituel") ∴ The Sage of Sophia Working ∴ By: Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus ∴ Argenteum ∴ Qabalistic Temple ov Obsidian Flame ∴ This is my own type of condensed 7 day “Abremelin Ritual” that I was inspired to create from a friend of mine whose name is Azarel Flame, of his own Order, The Northwitch Tradition. The Abremelin Ritual gets one into contact with their Higher Genius, or what is called in magick circles today as the Holy Guardian Angel, also termed The AgathoDaimon by Ancient Roman and Greek Philosophers and correcting our faults, becoming far more pure in spirit and thought, mastering the mind over the body, evoking, invoking, binding, banishing and internalizing forces of spirits, and creating a sealed and crystalline auric field in which would culminate in the appearance of the individual’s personal Guardian Angel that they would then be in contact with and be guided by in their life. This Working or Ritual that I made called the “Sage of Sophia Working” is a 7 day long purifying and magickal rite of Spiritual and Physical Sadism that is intentionally very intense and very difficult to negotiate due to the shortened time of 18 months to 7 days. The time it takes for this Rite of 7 days is a lie actually, the actual Working is 7 days, but the prerequisite regimen of exercises to achieve the state of biological and spiritual being actually conducive to be a primer for Knowledge and Conversation with the HGA starts 3-6 months prior. I suggest easing into the Rite by giving yourself 6 months of learning and practice ov the following (Every single one of these exercises is important and should be observed faithfully) : CODE OV CONDUCT 0:Ahiṃsā: Nonviolence 1:Satya: Truthfulness (Not lying) 2:Asteya: Not stealing 3:Brahmacharya: Chastity, marital fidelity, sexual restraint 4:Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, no seeking of worldy possessions 5:Kṣamā: Patience, forgiveness. 6:Dhrti: Fortitude, perseverance with the aim to reach the goal 7:Dayā: Compassion 8:Ārjava: Non-hypocrisy, sincerity 9: Mitāhāra: Measured diet Semen Retention is the most important part of this pre-workout. You must not have an orgasm, male or female, at least 3 months prior to the Working. If you are familiar with White Tantra and Internal Orgasm, this should not be observed either. No cumming. Raising the Kundalini: Sitting in different Asana poses and practicing pranayama shall be observed. Using Crowley’s four main Asana positions, The God, The Ibis, The Dragon, and The Thunderbolt. The 4 main Asana poses shall be practiced starting with holding them each for 30 seconds then to a minute. The goal is a mere 5 minutes each , which does not sound like a lot but is. While holding these Asanas, the Fourfold Breath Technique shall be observed. The FourFold Breath Technique is a simple but very effective way of Accumulating Chi or Prana and Circulating it about. The Fourfold Breath Technique should be used in conjunction with all meditations and rituals such as the Less Banishing and Invoking Rituals of the Pentagram. Raising the Chrism This Important to exercise this technique every Month when the Moon enters into your Sun Sign, your electromagnetic system of the kundalini, vagus nerve (Tree of Life) and the brain are heightened. Fasting and increased time of meditation and Pranayama shall be practiced to 30-60 minutes a day for these 3 days. THE FOURFOLD BREATH TECHNIQUE: Expel all carbon dioxide and breath from your lungs, breathing out for 20-30 seconds through the mouth. Hold this exhalation, and do not breathe in for 4 long seconds. Start breathing in through the nose and carry the breath past the diaphragm and into the bottom of the stomach for 6-8 long seconds. Hold for 4 long seconds Exhale through the nose for 6-8 long seconds Hold on the exhale for 4 long seconds Continue this cycle of breathing for 5 minutes before practicing an Asana, performing a ritual, or meditation. Keep this cycle of breathing going while these activities are performed. The Rhythm usually taught is Inhale 4- Hold 4- Exhale 4-Hold 4-Inhale 4 … However The technique is to Oxidize the blood and get your bodie’s P.H. Blood level to an alkaline state, therefore the more Carbon Dioxide CO2 (CO2 is Acidic) that goes out and the more Oxygen O2 ( O2 is Alkaline) the more Alkilinity the blood and lungs have and Alkilinity = More Energy ( Chi, Prana, Ruach, Ki, Orgone ). So I amend the FourFold Breath to a rhythm of Inhale 6-Hold 4- Exhale 6- Hold 4- …. ZaZen No-Mind Meditation 15 minutes a Day One 5-Minute Meditation 3xs a Day Shall Be Observed. The Meditation should be concentration on No-Thing and make all thought and mind-chatter disappear. Use this technique to dead the chatter from the subconscious mind. The goal of meditation is to be in a meditative state at all times in the waking reality of life. A state of perfect zen can be achieved through physical meditation and using the No-Mind technique described in the video. Pranayama: Pranayama Breathing means to move about your energy or Prana. To raise the Kundalini energy, this is the most important exercise to practice: Pranayama techniques that I adhere to are these: 5 Tibetan Rites ov Rejuvenation Exercises performed once a day:/ The LIRP should be done once a day at least and practiced before your day begins The same with the LBRP, but use this before going to bed. The Ritual of the Middle Pillar shall be performed 2xs per day The Supreme Invoking and Banishing Rituals shall be learned and practiced 2xs a week The Rose Cross Ritual performed once a week The Hexagram Rituals The Lesser Invoking and Banishing of the Hexagram and the Greater Invoking and Banshing of the Hexgram Rituals should be learned and practiced daily as well. The Greater Banishing then Greater Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram should be practiced everyday using the Hexagrams of that Planetary Day. First Banish then Invoke. The Analysis of the Keyword should be performed before any hexagram ritual. Analysis of the Keyword The Invocation ov Thoth Ritual should be practiced every wednesday after the Greater Invocation Ritual of the Mercury Hexagram: Creating Natron and Taking Natron Purity Baths Practice of Liber Resh Vel Helios should be performed everyday, 4xs a day. The Invocation of the Bornless One shall be practiced 2xs a week along with the Headless Ritual from the Greek Magickal Papyri 2xs a week followed with the Rosary Working after each: Liber Samekh ( The Bornless Rite ) Very Important to read and digest fully: -Stele of Jeu ( The Headless Rite) “ Aōth: Abraōth: Basym: Isak: Sabaōth: Iaō “ are the 6 names to write. “ NN “ means you say your name. This Rosary Ritual for the HGA shall be practiced following the Bornless Ritual and Headless Ritual: AFTER ONE HAS DONE THIS FOR A SOLID MONTH, YOU SHOULD BE COMFORTABLE WITH ALL 3 RITUALS AND FAMILIAR ENOUGH TO CREATE YOUR OWN BORNLESS RITUAL WITH THE BARBAROUS NAMES YOU FEEL HAVE THE MOST POWER FOR YOU. I USED LIBER SAMEKH WITH THE HEADLESS RITE’S BARBAROUS NAMES IN PLACE OF CROWLEY’S. YOU SHOULD ALSO CONSTRUCT YOUR OWN ROSARY WORKING. THIS NEW PERSONAL BORNLESS RITE AND PERSONAL ROSARY WORKING WILL BE USED IN THE 7-DAY RITUAL. DIET: A Vegetarian Diet shall be observed in order to create a better Chyle or what the Alchemists called Lac Virginis: Dr. Sebi’s Alkaline Diet is best. Short periods of fasting shall be observed for 24 hours, no food, no water at least 3xs a month. You will want to become familiar with fasting because the 7-day Ritual is a 7-day period of fasting with no food and only water and Sole’ Water for sustenance. Longer periods of fasting of 3 days with water and Sole’ Water shall be observed once a month when Moon enters into your Sun Sign Drink 2 gallons of Distilled water a day Drink 2 cups of Distilled water with a Teaspoon of Sole’ Water each cup a day: Shivambu should be practiced. The mid stream of the morning Manna should be consumed. This is one of the Philosopher’s Stones so occulted in Alchemist texts. Ice Baths and Cold Showers: No more warm showers. Only cold showers. No towels either after bathing. The body must learn to fight off the cold through shivering and releasing cold-shock proteins. An ice bath 2xs a week: Fill Bathtub with ice (4-5 bags of ice) Sit in tub for 10 minutes using the FourFold Breath Technique. The Sage of Sophia Working Ritual The schedule of the Practitioner should be cleared beforehand and all 7 days of this working should be purely devoted to practicing the Rites: Starting on a Saturnsday up through the next Saturnsday and ending at Midnight going into the Sunsday, one shall start to practice the following: * Fasting from all food for the whole of the 7 day period Upon Waking, the waters ov shiva shall be consumed and a Natron Bath shall be drawn for 30 minutes of Pranayama in the bath shall be performed. Drink your first Glass of Distilled water with a Tablespoon ov Sole’ Water. 5 Tibetan Rites ov Rejuvenation Each exercise was practiced 21 times. - LIRP - LIRH - Supreme Invoking Ritual ov the Pentagram Earth - GIRH of Saturn - Orphic Hymn to Saturn - Invocation ov Thoth - The Rose Cross Ritual - The Middle Pillar Ritual saying each Divine Name 21 times - Your own Bornless Rite and your own Rosary Ritual starts and will be practiced 6 more times during the day, totalling 7 Invocations per day. - Meditation for one hour - Asana for one hour - Pranayama for one hour - Middle Pillar saying each Divine Name 21 times Shivambu practiced throughout duration ov this working Drink another glass ov Distilled Water with a Tablespoon of Sole’ Water - Rose Cross Ritual - Invocation of the Bornless Ritual and Rosary Working - Ice Bath for one hour doing Pranayama - Cold Shower for 30 minutes saying personal Prayers to God and your HGA - Invocation of the Bornless Ritual and Rosary Working - Drink another Glass ov Distilled Water this time with a Teaspoon of Sole’ Water - Ice bath for one hour with Pranayama - Meditation for one hour - Asana for one Hour - LIRP - LIRH - GIRH Saturn - Orphic Hymn to Saturn - Ice Bath for one hour with Pranayama - Invocation of the Bornless Ritual and Rosary Working - Ice Bath for one hour - SIRP Air - Invocation of the the Bornless Ritual and Rosary Working Reflection and Personal Prayer to God and HGA for 2 + Hours Confession aloud to God of your tresspasses you know in your heart to be wrongdoings. Drink another glass ov Distilled Water with a Teaspoon ov Sole’ Water Asana for one Hour SIRP Fire Ice Bath for one hour Cold Shower for 30 minutes with prayer to God and the HGA One hour of meditation LIRP LIRH GIRH Saturn Orphic Hymn to Saturn Rose Cross Ritual Invocation ov the Bornless Ritual and Rosary Working Pranayama for one Hour Asana for one Hour Confession again and Prayer to God and the HGA Invocation of Thoth SIRP Water Meditation for one Hour Invocation ov the Bornless Ritual and Rosary Working Prayer to God and the HGA -Middle Pillar Ritual saying Divine Names 21 Times - LBRP - LBRH - GBRH Saturn - SBRP - Prayers to God and HGA - 5 Tibetan Rites ov Rejuvenation Each exercise practiced 21 times - Natron Bath - Drink one more glass ov Distilled Water with a Tablespoon ov Sole’ Water - Rest of night shall be spent in reflection and prayer to God and the HGA Going into the next day, the only thing that changes is the GIRH, the GBRH and the Orphic Hymn in accord with the day. Sleep no more than 3 hours May The Divine Light Descend Upon You On The Path In Love and L. V. X., ~ Fratre ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus ∴ Argenteum 🜍 🜔 ☿ ∴ Qabalistic Temple ov Obsidian Flame ∴ Written on 12-9-22 Sun in Sagittarius 17° Moon in Cancer 2° Moon Phase: Full Day of Venus Completed in Hour of Mercury Chemicals are the Bees Knees. The AL-KHEMIST knows this and the expansion ov Consciousness is ov utmost Importance in the Magick Arte. Fratre Perdurabo surely knew this AL-KHEMICAL Arte when heroin, cocaine, opium, cannabis, ether, and snake oil with mescaline juice was 100% pure pharmaceutical grade over the counter at the corner pharmacy. Opiates are a cause for concern, however and I must warn the Magus that intends to perform this duty, that even Fratre Sapientia was caught off-guard with the potency of this extraction method that is about to be presented hencerherefourth. Kratom ( Mitragyna Speciosa ) is ov the Coffee family genus. It grows in all over Asia and is not that strong when consumed as raw plant material. Fratre Sapientia had kicked a pretty gnarly 30mg Oxycodone wherein he would often take 5-6 depending on his cashflow. The Kratom Extract pills from the gas station corner stores under the Brand OPMS ( OPIUM) were about 60% as strong as an Oxydone 30 mg. Fratre Sapientia grew quite accustomed to eating these completely legal and strong opioids, and went as far as to eat about 5 a day, totalling 12 dollars a pill. This was $60 a day and then our dear Magus went off the deep end and was stealing cash right out of the drawer where he worked after succumbing to a $120 a day habit for this blissful medicine ov God. Fratre Sapientia was ultimately fired but got a nice job working a grocery store with great benefits and pay. However, his knees were failing him as he has the worst type ov osteoarthritis in both knees a human can have and has had over 10 surgeries on them. He needed an opiate to work, And with his first check, he did indeed succumb to impoverishing himself once again with this little pieces of the Divine that wreck the bank account. Putting his AL-KHEMY hat on, Fratre Sapientia went into the what the process ov extraction was and what type ov Khemical these pills were filled with. To his surprise he stumbled upon a beautiful thing: a completely natural extraction method for the 2 major opiod alkaloids inside ov Kratom: Mytraganine and 7-Hydroxy-Mytragragine. One purchases the plant ov a decent quality. If thou looks online, one can find a few ounces for $30. Take approximately 15 to 28 grams and put into a mason-jar. Apply an acidic liquid such as lemon or lime juice until all plant matter is soaked in this liquid. Take the back ov a wooden spoon and mix and mash for about 5 minutes then let sit, as the cell walls ov the plant material break apart. Let sit for 30 minutes then apply very very hot, but not boiling water, to the plant material. Just enough to cover it. Mash and mix for another 5 minutes and then let sit for 10-15 minutes. Seal the mason jar and put into the freezer for 8 hours. There will be a large red frozen material that has bubbled to the top and these are the precious alkaloids we are after. Yea, The Prima Materia, as it were. However let’s go another round. Let this liquid thaw out and apply more acidic liquid to it. Mash and mix the material then let sit for 30 minutes then put into the Freezer for another 8 hours. Here we have a liquid that is consumable now. This liquid will be very very potent and full of opioid bliss in deed. However, the True AL-Khemist always finishes his or her work. Purchase or steal a bottle ov Everclear. Get a larger mason jar through thievery as well, because if you’re walking on ice, you might as well dance! Pour the opioid-rich liquid and plant material in this larger container then fill the rest with Everclear. The Mason Jar then goes into a dark closet to further the dissolution process. One can keep the jar in the closet for a few days or act like a True AL-KHEMIST and keep it there for a an Achemical month; 40 days, which is what I recommend. After the alcohol has petrified and dissolved all ov the non-potential alkaloids, ( ov which there are at least 50 known compounds in Kratom ) what the Magus will have left is an Alcoholic Prima Materia. But we are not here to discuss drinking piss water, that is for another time and place and believe me we will get there, Padawan. Nay, this disgusting chemical must be eaten by the sun! Pour the liquid onto a cookie sheet with wax paper and let sit in the sun for 7-10 days granted it stays out ov the rain. After all ov this work, the Magus shall have turned this liquid into a fine powder. One can also heat this prima materia at 275° F for 40 minutes. However, nothing beats Solar Energy. You will now have an Orangish-Brown power and it must be weighted out with a digital scale. One must first only take half a gram and see how the drug affects him. Re-dose after about 30 minutes if the Consciousness you were seeking is not suitable. Verily, I say unto thee! Extract Often! Enflame Thyself in a Warm Blanket ov Opiate Bliss like a tight hug from Christ Himself! ____________________ THE ANCIENT MAGE By: Fratre Choronzon Black mass Wear Your Black ski masks This is Witchcraft Lovecraftian chants Seance invoking transcendental Trances Chaos black magick adept Ipsissimus of the black flame Mage of Ancient rituals and Rites Ignition of obsidian torches light the darkest l skies tonight Black mass Massacres Accrue The Truth When the moon is full I become unusual Play an Evil tune on the Evil Flute Put the fun in funeral Ayahuasca rituals Summon deities Demonic beasts shadow figures Entities creep Interdimensional Ride Ride Ride Riding in my hearse Shadow beings riding horses on the porch Come to torture us in rituals tortureous set fire to church steal a Porsche Face Fuck A Corpse Holy Acts Blasphemous Inside I Hurt Mow down the Beholder of the curse Steal a Nun’s purse in the dark I lurk beyond the stars In The land ov the God Choronzon Black Chaos Magick Adept Adapting Voudon spells viewing future and past Wear Your Black Ski Masks For the Rite ov Psychic Possession and Attacks Interdimensional False Flags 911 Again for the priestess and priests ov peace 13 astral planes crash into 33 pieces No One Can Sleep Until we sacrifice a virgin no Virgo astrological Pisces type Aquarian age Horus forms into Heru Ra Ha from Jesus Christ Shapeshifting Lord ov Light Possessing serpentine eyes Inducing Fright terrorizing granting unholy sight To the third eyes of the blind kind Aliens of every form Flood the skies in my own ufo so high I’m About to overdose and die Black mass Wear your Black ski masks This is Witchcraft Lovecraftian chants Seance invoking transcendental Trances Chaos black magick adept Ipsissimus of the black flame Mage of Ancient Rituals and Rites Ignition of obsidian torches light the darkest l skies tonight ————————————- From the Adytum Del ALKHEMICAL TEMPLE OV OBSIDIAN FLAME Liber ∴ Kundalini ∴ ∴ IT IS MY TRUE WILL THAT I ACCOMPLISH THE GREAT WORK ! 111-11111-111 65 ∴ 93 ∴ 000 ∴ ∴ Truth With Falsehood, the Sage must balance the Chakras and Ground the Body to release the excess kundalini energy into the earth and out of the Sage. ∴ The Sage Should also get his and her weather together by getting the chakra wheels spinning and circulating the chi and still use these practices in everyday life after one rids of this trapped energy. These are Sacred Rites and should be revered and used: ∴ To Accomplish this: Stop eating dead flesh. It’s not good for the spirit or body. A Vegetarian diet also creates far superior nutrients for creating semen and the menstrual fluid. You have a nerve that is connected to the brain and the large intestine called the “ Vagus Nerve “ The Vagus Nerve takes nutrients called “ Chyle “ or what the alchemists called “ Lac Virginis “ : “ Milk of the Virgin. “ The Vagus Nerve then transports the Chyle to the brain where Semen and Menstrual Fluid is produced. The Sexual Fluids are then transported down the spinal cord through the cerebrospinal fluid to the perineum. Through Pranayama breathing, fasting, meditation, abstinence from orgasm and being a Good person will raise the Sexual Fluids through the “Kundalini” energy” back up the spinal cord and will create powerful and mystical experiences when the Kundalini and the Sexual Fluids enter into the brain. Each of the Major Seven Chakra Wheels of the Energy Body is scientifically referred to as the Toroidal Field. These Seven Chakra Wheels must be turning and circulating chi. These energy wheels get blocked by dense negative energies from time to time and these will cause many ailments and spiritual ills. Take a month to focus on actually doing these practices of the body mentioned previously and the upcoming exercises here: 0. When you awake In the Morning: 1. Practice Pranayama for 10 minutes 2. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 3. You will do the 6 healing sounds. 4. Followed by the Microcosmic Orbit: 5. You should then go for a walk in the grass with bare-feet for 20-30 minutes. Still barefoot, Meditate in grass for 10 minutes against a beautiful tree, letting your body release any unneeded energy into the earth 6. Do the Modified Middle Pillar, practice the Pranayama I show, and Perform the 5 Tibetan Rites Ov Rejuvenation 7. At Noontime, You should do the Lesser Invoking Ritual ov the Pentagram Perform the 6 Healing Sounds followed by the Microcosmic Orbit. Walk again barefoot in grass for 20-30 Minutes. Meditate in grass against a Beautiful tree for 10 minutes for grounding. Practice Pranayama for 10 minutes. 8. At Sunset, you do the 6 Healing Sounds. Followed by the Microcosmic Orbit 9.Sungaze while the sun is at the horizon. 1-2 minutes of staring into the sun with the arms out at sides, palms toward the sun. 10. You will then go for a walk in the grass with bare-feet for 20-30 minutes. Still barefoot, meditate in grass against a Beautiful tree for 10 minutes letting your body release any unneeded energy into the earth 11.When you get back, you should take a Ritual WA’B Khetemtic Bath : THE TAU OV THE RITUAL PURITY BATH OV KHEM CALLED W’AB. IN ANCIENT KHEMET ( EGYPT), THE HIEROPHANTS WOULD BATHE THE BODY FOR MUMMIFICATION, BATHE THEMSELVES FOR PRE-RITUAL PURIFICATION OV THE AURIC FIELD, CREATE SOAPS WHEN MIXED WITH OILS, AND CREATE HOLY WATER WITH SOMETHING CALLED NATRON. NATRON WOULD NATURALLY OCCUR AS DRIED SODIUM BICARBONATE ON THE BANKS OV THE NILE AND THIS MATERIAL WAS COLLECTED AND ADDED TO BLESSED WATER FOR RITUAL USE. NATRON IS MADE WITH TWO VERY SIMPLE INGREDIENTS: EQUAL PARTS NATURAL SEA SALT OR BETTER YET, PINK HIMALAYAN SALT AND BAKING SODA. BLESSED WATER IS ADDED TO THIS MIXTURE TO MAKE A PASTE AND I ADDED SOME HOLY HERBS SUCH AS BAY LEAF, CRACKED CINNAMON STICKS, DRIED THYME, LAVENDER, ROSEN PETALS, BASIL, ROSEMARY, and BLACK PEPPERCORNS. THE PASTE IS MIXED THEN BAKED AT 350° F FOR 25 MINUTES ON PARCHMENT PAPER THEN COOLED AND DRIED. YOU JUST ADD A SMALL HANDFUL TO YOUR BOWL OV HOLY WATER AND A LARGE HANDFUL FOR RITUAL BATHING BEFORE IMPORTANT EVENTS AND RITUALS. 4: Before sleep: - LBRP - LBRH - 6 Healing Sounds. - Followed by the Macrocosmic Orbit ∴ ∴ Sapientia ∴ Sageus ∴ Argenteum ∴ ∴ 01-26-2023 ∴ The Day ov Venus ∴ ∴ The Hour ov ∴ Venus ∴ ∴ Sun in Aquarius ∴ 7° Aqu 16’ 15’’ ∴ Moon in Ares ∴ 23 ° Are 34’ 11’’ ∴ Crescent ∴ The Magical Motto Magicka M. Luxor My name is Frater שבת נויט (Call me Brother Saturday Night)! Saturday is the Sabbath, the Day of Saturn and Satyrs. The Night of the Witch's Sabbath, or the Sabbath of the Goat. The Master of the Sabbath being the god Pan. It is my understanding that the magical motto is to serve as a label of the ideal Self. Therefore my name is Saturday Night. (Shabbat is Hebrew for Saturday, and Nuit is French for Night.) "The playful and lecherous Pan is the Greek god of nature, lust, and the masculine generative power. The Greek word Pan also translates as All, and so he is “a symbol of the Universal, a personification of Nature; both Pangenetor, "all-begetter," and Panphage, "all-devourer" (Sabazius, 1995). Therefore, Pan is both the giver and the taker of life, and his Night is that time of symbolic death where the adept experiences unification with the All through the ecstatic destruction of the ego-self. In a more general sense, it is the state where one transcends all limitations and experiences oneness with the universe…" "...Within the system of Thelema, the Night of Pan, or N.O.X., is a mystical state that represents the stage of ego-death in the process of spiritual attainment." Source:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_Pan This name was affirmed to me by my H.G.A. through a Universal wink. And by that I mean synchronicity. Shortly after writing this name down on paper in Hebrew, while hanging out with a friend smoking cannabis; I was going to have him play a song by a band that I knew he enjoyed which I had recently got into. Without me even having to ask him the song began to play, strange enough. Then the song that played right after was by the same band, but I did not know of this one. The song itself was one of the most beautiful pieces of music I had ever heard. I had automatically asked him for the name. That's when I realized; that the song was called "Saturday Night" by the Misfits. I then showed him the piece of paper and I don't know if I was able to tell, let's say "profane" people of my magical motto, thinking it to be secret. I showed him the piece of paper and said, "I can't tell you why I wrote this down but I did" and showed him the paper that said "Saturday Night" and both English & Hebrew. The name ShBT NVIT equates to 777. Shabbat being 702 and Nuit being 75. The name to me implies the end times, the apocalypse. The letters of the name I do enjoy. Shin - The Triad - The Æon Beth- House- The Magician Tav - The Cross - The Universe Nun- Fish - Death Vav - Nail/Spine - Hierophant Yod - Hand or Flame - Hermit Teth - Serpent- Lust or Strength The name Nuit is also the name of the ultimate female mother goddess. Her symbol is the infinite Circle, along with her consort Hadit (symbolized by a Dot within that Circle) ☉ Which of course make the symbol of the Sun or Son. (Heru Ra Ha) Bringing back up the Goat of the Sabbath, Pan; he is associated with the ATU #26 of Ayin ע. Which would be a Greek OMEGA Ω, O, or Circle. "I am a Finite Square, I wish to become an Infinite Circle" -Aleister Crowley I AM HE SHABBAT NUIT, BROTHER SATURDAY NIGHT! I AM IT I AM THAT I AM NAUGHT. I AM THAT I AM (Note Fra. Shabbat Nuit's Initiation took place in Los Angeles California 2-18-2023 on a SATURDAY) PINTS OV PAIN ~ Fratre סאפּינטיאֶ Be there in the middle of the Forest Pouring pints of pain Painted purple and orange Spill blood from vein to leaves in the middle of the Forest On the dirt floor barefoot I walk towards the pure light coming fourth Look to the north Prophets extraterrestrial inter-dimensional Forms A gate forms Tormented soul torn From body enter the void Sipping potion from skulls reborn Into the Temple of the black flame Obsidian Sage Obsidian magician entering the eternal Ether Stabbing Myself with hooves and horns Draw a circle 5 points 5 candles torch lit torch light in the sky 5 bodies on the porch 9 knives 9 nines 9 lives What’s that spell down upside I am become death The wrath, the rage, the hate, the emptiness the pain is great I fear I am the fear You feel inside Summon Entities from the other side Be there in the middle of the Forest Pouring pints of pain Painted purple and orange Spill blood from vein to leaves in the middle of the Forest I’m shaking Convulsing crying on the earth’s floor inside a pentacle in the middle of Forrest please take my soul from these bones I cannot cope I have no hope Where do I go Enter the void When I die End my life What direction To the north Start this New Life I want to Die !!! The 5th Pentacle of Mars Άρης Protégez-vous avant de vous ruiner "Protect yourself before you wreck yourself" (To protect thyself from Demons, so that one may complete the Magnum Opus. Particularly Marshall spirits.) It is assumed that the magician has done some sort of meditation prior. As well as banishing, as well as Pentagram, or Hexagram, etc. rites they find appropriate. Whatever helps them achieve a high energetic or æytheric state. The mage's goal is to chant the Psalm as a mantra, along with other appropriate names and words, while channeling æytheric energy into this talisman to charge it. One should state their intent and give reasoning to as why they need to enlist such help, and why it is their right to receive such service. Psalm 91:16 XIII-XVI 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the serpent shalt thou trample underfoot. 14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; because he knows my name. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. תדרוך על האריה ועל האריה: את האריה הצעיר ואת הדרקון תדרס. כי חפץ בי, על כן אעזור לו; Translation: ( TEDRON OL HARIAH VOL HARIAH: AT HARIAH HATZOIER VAT HEDEREKON TEDEREM ) Planetary Blessing: May the keen sword of courage ever be ready to thy hand in the power of Mars! By the Power of MADIM מדים I call forth the Marshall forces to this pentacle. I call upon the powers of the SERAPHIM. AND upon the great SAMAEL! ADONAI GIVOR LEOLAM ALOHIM (A.G.L.A.) Great and Mighty, most Powerful God! Rah Hoor Khuit! It is thee that I invoke! I, your child have enlisted and prompted your aid and protective Providence of omnipotent proportion. Double wanded one, Child of Nuit! Son of Had! Bring down thy Light, shed thine blood upon my altar! Bless this sigil, a sigil on which embodies you! He who protects! He who redeems! God of Will, God of War, God of Power! God θελημα! He spoke to the Master Therion in Cairo, in the land of Khem. He who is the product of Love and Harmony! It is your Law that I seek, it is your Law I preach! Oh Sun of Nuit, know you are of me! Lovely art thou for thy Might! "I am He as You are He, You Are Me and We are All Together." 93 93/93 Manete fratres et sorores aureae! Hail to the Lord of the Æon The Double-Wanded Lord of Power! Ave ad Rah Hoor Khuit ⛥