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Dec. 6, 2022


This is how to use the information below in a practical way for Cermonial Ritual Magick: 
There is hierarchy to all of the energies in this Realm and Above. 
The first three parts of God which exists outside of space, time and ALL THINGS unfold like so : 
0: The “ AIN “
The Void, Silence 
00: The “ AIN SOPH  “
Uncontained or Limitless Space
000: The “ AIN SOPH AUR “ 
The uncontained and limitless light of God 
1: The Monad of Kether which births and generates this space and light which is attributed to the planet of Pluto and then the Archangel of Metatron the Choir of Angels CHAYOTH HA KODESH.
I will go over the rest of the Tree of Life in another post, this is an example of the way the Fire of life and thought and existence unfolds and how to create a hierarchy for magickal use: 
This is how the energy of The Hermetic Teachings develop: 
 - Sephiroth 
      - Archangel of the Sephiroth 
         - Choir of Angels
 - Fixed Star(s) ( The Firmament stars ) attributed to the Sephiroth 
     Also called the " 15 Behenian Stars "
 - Zodiacal Sign Attributed to the Sephiroth 
   - Archangels of the 12 signs
      - 36 Angelic Decans of the Signs   
         - 72 Shemhamephorash angels 
- Planetary 
   -Planetary Archangel 
    -Planetary Main angel
    - Intelligence of the Planet
    - Spirit ( Demon ) of the Planet
     - Element 
           - 4 Elemental Archangels
                  -- 4 Demonic Rulers
  - Adverse Sephiroth ( Qliphoth)
      - Qliphothic Daimons
        The Archangel ov the Sun is the Archangel Michael but the Archangel of the Sephiroth of Tiphareth is Raphael, Sol or the Sun is attributed to the Sephirah of Tiphareth.
The Elemental archangel ov fire is Michael and elemental archangel ov air is Raphael and all of these archangels have different qualities and are considered individual archangels for the energy they are emitting:
The archangel of the Sephiroth of Hod is Michael but the archangel of the Planet of Mercury ( Hod) is Raphael. The Planet Mercury is attributed to the Sephirah ov Hod.
So these are called in order to make the most powerful ritual: 
If I want to invoke into myself the qualities of Hod and Mercury ( effective communication, fast gain of knowledge, turning knowledge to wisdom fast because mercury is about speed too), I am going to first 
Banish my aura and environment of all elements (microcosm, the pentagram, man) 
Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram 
Then banish all planetary and zodiacal forces on 🌎 (therefore a “lesser” banishing ritual, lesser just means the hierarchy on which plane you're working. )
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram 
Then Mercury and Hod have the qualities of air so I’m going to seriously power this Rite with
The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram of Air
 - using the Invoking pentagram of air in all 4 directions and calling upon Raphael before me , behind me, on my right , on my left, (then I amended the ritual with the help of Damien Echol's Genius, I call on Metatron above me and Sandalphon below me: This is calling the Energies of Kether into the Earth Realm of Malkuth ) 


Face East ( Where the Sun rises in your area ).  Perform the Qabalistic Cross (as in the LBRP). 


Part II:  Pentagrams, Sacred Names and Evocation of Forces

* The Pentagram ov Air is traced over the Spirit Pentagram *

2.   Using the Sword Mudra of your Right hand, make a White Equilibrating Active Spirit Pentagram. 

      Make the Sign of the Enterer, pointing to the Center of the Pentagram.  

      Vibrate EHEIEH ( EEHH-HAY-YAY )


3.   Make the Sign of Osiris Slain and L.V.X. Signs. 

osiris slain and lvx


4.   Make a Yellow Invoking Pentagram of Air.

      Make the Sign of the Enterer, pointing to the Center of the Pentagram.                 

      Vibrate YHVH (YODE HEY VAV HEY ).


5.   Make the Sign of Air.

( Sign of Theoricus 2°=[8] )



6.   Raise your arms slightly, reaching up and in front of you. Say,

      "In the name of YHVH ( YODE HEH VAV HEH ), I invoke The Forces of RUACH (RUE-AAHK)."


7.   Still using your Sword Mudra, draw a line of White Light from the Center of the Pentagram, around to the South ( 90° turn to the Right ) , stopping where the center of your next Pentagram will be. 


8.   Facing South, repeat steps 2 through 6. 


9.   Carry the line to the West


10.   Facing West, repeat step 2 through 6


11.   Carry the line to the North. 


12.   Facing North, repeat steps 2 through 6


13.  Carry the line to the East, arriving back where you started, completing your Circle. 


       In the following Invocation, vibrate each name.


      "In the name of YHVH (YODE HEY VAV HEY),


        of the Archangel RAPHAEL (RAH-FAI-EELL)

         of the Angel CHASSAN (KAAH-SAAHN,  

         and of the Ruler ARIEL (AAHR-REE-EELL),

         I invoke The forces of RUACH (RUE-AAHK - HEBREW WORD FOR SACRED WIND)."

14. Make the Sign of Air ( Theoricus )


15. Still Facing East make the Sign ov Osiris Slain and say:

   " Raphael (Vibrate each time) before me , Raphael behind me, Raphael on my right , Raphel on my left, Metatron above me, Sandalphon below me.

 For about me flames the Pentagrams and within me shines the Six Rayed Star! "
Perform the " Analysis of the Keyword "
Then I do the Greater invoking Hexagram ritual of Mercury and Hod  ( this is an amended ritual I created uniting both the invocations of Mercury and of hod: the differences are: for Mercury Hexagram
ritual is for whenever you want to strengthen your Reasoning, Concentration and/or Communication.  
And you make the Sigil of of Raphael and call upon Raphael and the intelligence of Mercury, Tiriel and make the Sigil of Tiriel on paper or parchment Using the Kamea of mercury. 
Hod is invoking Michael and the Choir of angels
making the Sigils of both Michael and Beni ELohim ( Choir) 
Place the Objects with the Sigils onto your altar in front of you or on the wall with thumbtacks or just on the ground in front of you.
The Hod Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram is used for initiation into 3°=8 (Practicus) Self Dedication , Vision of Splendor Scrying Pathwork,
Logic, Communication, Healing, Travel. 
Both use the God Name of “Elohim Tzavaoth “ while drawing the Sigil of mercury in the middle of the hexagram.
So I trace the Hexagram of Hod and Mercury, Visualizing the Hexagram is Orange Light:
while Vibrating the the Notariqon ARARITA (Hebrew Acronym: Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurado Achad, "One is it's Begininning, One is it's Individuality, It's Permutations are all One."
( You must Vibrate the Magick Word(s) like a mantra. One can use the Notariqon-Qabalistic acronym ARARITA: AAAH-RAAH-REEE-TAAH or say the full Hebrew Phrase, vibrating each word. Both Work )
I Trace the Sigil of Mercury inside of the Hexagram and Visualize the Sigil in Yellow
Light while Vibrating the God Name of " ELOHIM TZAVAOTH "
Then I say

In the name of Elohim Tzabaoth, (EELL-OOH-HEEM-ZAA-VAY-OOAT)

I invoke The Forces of Hod ( Vibrate the name HODE) and Kokav (Vibrate the Name KO-KAHV - The name ov Mercury in Hebrew)

I call on Michael ( Vibrate the name like: MEEE-KAI_EELL), the Choir ( Vibrate: BENN-EEE-EELL-OOH-HEEM), then Raphael (Vibrate: RAAH-FAI-EELL ) and The Intelligence of Mercury, Tiriel (Vibrate: TEER-REE-EELL),
Trace the hexagrams and say the above incantations in all four quarters. 
Then face where the planet mercury is at the time ov the Ritual and Trace a very large Hexagram and Sigil ov Mercury and state the above one more time.
I Use this Website to find the Planet I am working with,
Click on the Planet you want to view and look at the direction in the top left.
 Do The Middle Pillar to accumulate chi, 
Then the Request to all, as well as a chaos Sigil of the request, then burn the Sigil.

State the purpose of this ritual, saying,

       "It is the Intention of this Ritual that the Forces of the Planet Kokav (Vibrate the Name KOH-KAAHV )and the Sephira ov Hod (Vibrate the Name HOO-ODE) shall ______.  


 If you intend to Charge an object (such as a Talisman, Food, etc.), perform the                                       Ritual of the Middle Pillar, making the Light and Spheres Yellow and Orange.  Either hold the object or hold your hands over (or toward) the object.  Petition the forces to complete your goal.

       If you intend to skry for Visions of Mercury's and/or Hod's  Influence, enter a light Meditative State and await any Visions that may come to you in the Scrying Mirror.  Record any images you perceive in your Magick Diary.

If you intend to perform a Self Dedication or Initiation as a Practicus, give the Oath of that Grade.                             Perform the Ritual of the Middle Pillar and Circulation of the Body of Light, visualizing the Light in Spheres Orange.                                                       

       If you intend to skry for a Vision of Splendor, relax and enter a meditative state, awaiting the Vision or                       Spiritual Experience in the Scrying mirrror.  When you are done, record the Vision in your Magick Diary.

       If you intend to perform Practical Magick toward Rationalization or Logic, perform the                                               Ritual of the Middle Pillar, making the Light and Spheres Orange.  Either hold the object or hold your hands over (or toward) the target of the ritual.  Petition the forces to                               complete your goal.

Then license to depart:

Put away any Tools or other Charged objects before performing a Banishing.

Give a License to Depart, saying,
"I now release any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ritual.                                             Depart in Peace to Your Abodes and Habitations and go with the Blessing of                                     ELOHIM TZAVAOTH." (EELL-OOH-HEEM-ZAA-VAY-OOAT)

These are talismans for the Sephiroth of Hod and Tiphareth and for the planets of Sol and Mercury as well as the Elements Fire and Air:
Talishman of Hod, Air, and Mercury
Talisman of Sol, Tiphareth and Fire
This is how to trace the Hexagrams for Invocation and Banishment:
 How to Trace your Shapes


        May Light Be Extended 
                    To You
          On The Path ov Return
             LOVE AND L.V.X. ,

F Sapienta Sageus