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Sept. 3, 2022



On The Matter Ov:
The Lesser Banishing Ritual Ov The Pentagram
By: Fratre Sapientia Sageus
September 3, 2022; On The Day Ov Saturn;

I made a Video Breakdown As Well Here:


The Sun is in Virgo and The Moon in Sagitarrius; The Moon is in The First Quarter Phase


The Lesser Banishing Ritual Ov The Pentagram{ LBRP } is the first Ritual all initiates learn when entering the High Arte Ov Ceremonial
Magick. This ritual should be memorized as soon as possible on your magical path, and practiced daily. Since divine names of God, which correspond to each elemental quarter, are used to charge the pentagrams, and the archangels of each quarter are called to watch over your area, the circle formed with these magical ritual acts as an impenetrable barrier to unwanted magical forces and allows you to proceed with your magical working. EVERY Ritual You will ever do will include performing The LBRP beforehand,
The LBRP is designed to clear your Environment, Your Aura, Etheric Body, Psychic, Astral and Emotional Mind of ALL negative energies. It is composed of four sections.
1: The Qabalistic Cross
2: The Construction Ov The Pentagrams 3: The Calling Ov The Archangels
4: The Qabalistic Cross

 The Qabalistic Cross is used at the end of some versions of the Lord’s Prayer, which was described by Yeheshua (often called “Jesus”) as being “the perfect prayer”. It affirms yourself with the Tree of Life or God.

The Pentagram is a protective symbol and relates to spiritual consciousness. It is also said to represent Man. It is used as a banishing\cleansing symbol in this ritual. The Earth Banishing Pentagrams, as used in this ritual, remove everything of a lower\earthly nature, through your Will, in the name of YHVH. The five points of a pentagram represent the four elements and the fifth element, “Quintessence” or “Spirit.” In the Magick Circle, the four elements are attributed to the four cardinal directions (East = Fire, South = Air, West = Water, North = Earth). The center of the Circle is attributed to the Quintessence\Spirit (the True Self), just as the top point of the pentagram is. Each element signifies a different aspect of Self.
Fire signifies Will, the preferences of an individual that prompt one’s movements through space.
Water signifies Love (and all emotions), the uniting of the individual with a willed object (also known as experience).
Fire and Water are two sides of a coin: emotional energy needs the Will to give it direction, and we can only define the Will in terms of the objects towards which it inclines.
Air represents the Mind (and the Intellect), whose job it is to interpret Will and Emotions.
Earth represents the physical world upon which the other elements operate: it is the job of the Mind to figure out how best to manifest Fire and Water upon Earth.
Adonai is a Hebrew name meaning, “My Lord” and is a title for your Soul (also called your Holy Guardian Angel: your personal part of, and connection with, God). It adds up to 65 in Gematria.
YHVH is said to be the actual name of God. YHVH adds up to 26 via Gematria, which represents unity (13) extended into duality (x2), a perfect description of the function of YHVH (i.e. Kether splits into Chokmah (Yod) and Binah (Heh), and these two produce two more: the middle sixth sephiroth of Tiphareth (Vav) and Malkuth (Heh-final). YHVH is, in short, a summary of the whole universe, arepresentation of creation and initiation (leading to the “destruction” of that created universe). It is appropriate that it is intoned when the magician banishes obstacles to clear perception, for it is clear perception that enables full comprehension of the universe.

Eheieh is part of the name that God gave to Moses at the Burning Bush. It means, “I AM”. It is appropriate to vibrate it in the West, for what “I am” can only be defined in terms of what I experience, those objects with which I unite myself (i.e. the experiences I undergo, ideally directed by my True Will). Eheieh adds up to 21, the number of “The Universe (or World)” in the Tarot, the full extension of Zero (The Fool) into manifestation. Through our acts of Will and our experience, we declare “I am,” as we build up our universe.
AGLA is an acronym for, “Atah Gibor Le-Olam Adonai,” and means “Thou art great forever, my Lord.” AGLA adds up to 35, which, among other meanings, reduces to 8 (3+5), the number attributed to Hadit and the force that “saves” the physical world (or, rather, the perception of the physical world as dead or cut off from Spirit). 8=Cheth=418, and it is attributed to the Chariot in the Tarot. This Chariot signifies the “path” of the individual driven by his or her True Will. Remember, also, that 418 is the Four (elements) reduced to One by the power of Eight (4+1+8 = 13). All dissolves into the Unity of the True Will. When you combine the words from your Circle in order of occurrence, the full statement is,
“Lord YHVH, I am (or I exist)! Thou art great forever, my Lord” You are, in effect, causing yourself to stand out to the Divine and all Creation, becoming more receptive to Divine power (which you are learning to wield) and guidance. As a Self-Affirmation, you are proclaiming your existence to your own Soul and acknowledging its Power.
This stage of the operation represents the removal of influences that prevent the True Self from working its Will in the World. The archangels have both elemental and philosophical natures to them:
Michael is an archangel who is credited with expelling Satan (here, representing the Lower Nature of the human Psyche) from the heavens (active

consciousness). His name means, “Likeness of God”. He holds a flaming sword (representing, among other things, the element of Fire) in his Right hand.
Raphael’s name means, “Healer of God”. He holds a Caduceus Wand (representing the empowered Mind and the element of Air) in his Right hand.
Gabriel means, “Might of God”. I’ve also seen it translated as “Man-God” and ‘God is my Strength”. All of these mean, basically, the same thing. He holds a Cup in his Right hand (representing, among other things, the element of Water).
Uriel means, “Light of God” and signifies spiritual understanding and illumination. He holds some sheaves of Wheat in his Right hand (symbolizing, among other things, the element of Earth).
Thus, standing before you is the Likeness\Image of God, while the Power of God is behind you (as your support). At your Right (the direction of Activity) is the Healing force of God. At your Left (the direction of Passivity) is Illuminating\Enlightening force. These four Archangels are all aspects of your
Higher Self, which guard your psyche against corruption.
The purpose of Evoking these four Archangels is to build the elements back up again, to invoke the power of these aspects of the Self. Having driven away obstacles to these aspects of Self, you now invoke them and bring them into your cleansed perception. Additionally, the position of the elements (represented by the Divine Names and Archangels) in the Circle balance your psyche, preparing you for further spiritual work, which later will include practical Magick.
The Hexagram represents the Universe, through its correspondence with the planets of our solar system. The interlocking triangles represent the union of the physical and the spiritual, and the points represent the macrocosm (the Six classical planets and the Sun in the Center). Placing the hexagram (6) within the pentagram (5) affirms that 5=6, that the individual is an inseparable part of the cosmos, that the True Self springs from the very universe, from the One Mind (or God), which the Hexagram also symbolizes.

The nature of this ritual can be summarized as Balancing and Silencing or "shutting down" the Mind (the Inner World). It severs personal connections and cleanses your aura.

Act 1: On The Matter Ov The Qabalistic Cross:
Face EAST.
Perform the Qabalistic Cross as follows:
Visualize yourself getting larger and larger, taller and taller, until you tower above the room you are in. Continue this growing visualization until the city you live in is small beneath your feet. See the continent as tiny compared to your majestic body. Now even the Earth is small beneath your feet. However, no matter how small the Earth is, it is still firm and solid beneath your feet, anchoring you to the ground.
Next visualize yourself growing so large that the planets of our solar system are fading as they are too small to see as even the Milky Way galaxy becomes a small dot of light at your feet. Now visualize yourself engulfed in blinding white light coming from somewhere far above your head. Know that this is only a tiny bit of the light from the The Source, it forms a brilliant white sphere of pulsating light just above your head. It is nine inches in diameter, about the size of a dinner plate. Point to that sphere above your head with your Sword Mudra and "bring it down" by pointing to your third eye, just above and between the eyes.
Imagine, at the first word intoned, a brilliant white light descends from above.
With the Sword Mudra { SEE EXPLANATION AT THE BOTTOM } of your Right hand, Touch the forehead and vibrate ATAH (AHH-TAAHH). ( Thou Art )
- Point to the genitals and vibrate MALKUTH (MAAL-KOOT). ( The Kingdom )
Imagine a shaft of light descending from the Crown Sphere and descend to your feet where another sphere is formed.
Touch the right shoulder with the left handed Sword Mudra and vibrate VE- GEBURAH (VEE-GAY-BOO-RAAH). ( The Power )
Imagine a sphere of brilliant white light appear just next to the right shoulder.
Touch the left shoulder with right handed Sword Mudra, cross the arms and vibrate VE-GEDULAH (VEE-GAY-DOO-LAAH). ( The Glory )
Imagine a shaft of light emerge from the right Sphere and cross your breast to expand and form another Sphere at your left shoulder.
Clasp the hands before you and vibrate LE-OLAM (LEY-OOH-LAAM). ( To The Ages, Forever )
At this point imagine clearly the cross of light as it extends through your body.



{ Drawn starting at left hip, up to a little over the top of the head, down to right hip, up to left shoulder, over to right shoulder and back down to left hip }

Draw, in the air facing EAST, in electric blue flame, an Earth Banishing Pentagram.
 Bring your hands up to the sides of your head, fingers up and palms forward. Step forward with your left foot and thrust your hands forward so the space between them penetrates the exact center of the pentagram. As you do this to charge the pentagram, use your entire exhalation to vibrate the God name YHVH (pronounced YOD-HAY-VAAV-HAY).
Imagine that your voice carries forward to the LIMITS of the UNIVERSE.
Step back into place while making the Sign Of Silence: The Left hand to bottom lip. Stomp Right foot.
Continue pointing to the center of the Pentagram with your Right Sword Mudra. Without moving your hand in any other direction, trace a white line with you as you turn toward the SOUTH. Trace another Earth Banishing Pentagram. Charge the pentagram as above, using the Sign of the Enterer, but when you charge the Pentagram, vibrate the God Name ADNI(pronounced AAH-DON-EYE).
Step back doing the Sign Of Silence, Stomp Right Foot.
Again, trace the with your Right Sword Mudra to the WEST and draw an Earth Banishing Pentagram, charging it, using the Sign of the Enterer, as before. Vibrate the God Name AHIH (pronounced AAY-HAAY-YAAY). ( I AM )
Step back doing the Sign Of Silence and Stomp right foot.
Trace line with Sword Mudra as you turn towards the NORTH. Again, trace the Earth Banishing Pentagram. Charge the pentagram using the Sign of the Enterer, as you did the others, but this time vibrate the God Name AGLA (pronounced AAH-GAAY-LAAH). (A.G.L.A is an acronym or magick Notariqon for: Ata-Gibor-Le Olam-Adonai = “Though Art Mighty, Forever, O’ Lord )
Step back doing the Sign Of Silence and stomp right foot.
Continue your Circle, again returning to the EAST, completing the Circle of brilliant White Light, again pointing to the center of the Pentagram.
Extend the arms in the form of a cross, say: BEFORE ME (then vibrate)
RAPHAEL (pronounced RAAH-FA-EYE-EL).
Imagine an archangel in front of you and facing toward you, clothed in Red with Green highlights. He holds a flaming sword in his right hand. Imagine you feel the heat and power emanating from the EAST.
Then, say: BEHIND ME (then vibrate) GABRIEL (pronounced GAAH-BREE-EL).
Imagine an Archangel behind you and facing toward you, holding in his right hand an exquisite silver Chalice. He is clothed in a Blue robe with Orange highlights. Imagine feeling the mist and cool spray of the ocean breeze.
Then, say: AT MY RIGHT HAND (then vibrate) MICHAEL (pronounced MEE- KA-EYE).
Imagine an Archangel to your right and facing toward you. He wears a Yellow robe with Purple highlights. In his/her right hand is a caduceus wand. Imagine a gentle, refreshing breeze, cleansing and purifying the air.
Then, say: AT MY LEFT HAND (then vibrate) URIEL (pronounced YOOH-REE- EL).
Imagine an Archangel at your left, facing toward you, and holding some sheaves of wheat. Imagine feeling the solidity of the earth from this direction.
Stand with your legs apart and arms outstretched. Imagine a large Pentagram in electric blue around you. Imagine a gold Hexagram within you, at your Solar Plexus.

• THE SIGN OF THE ENTERER is used to project magickal energy. To perform the Sign of the Enterer you must stand with your feet parallel, shoulder width apart. Visualize a star shining just above your head. Inhale silently and visualize a shaft of white Light coming down through your body from the star above you to a second star beneath your feet. As you inhale draw down the light and raise your elbows upward and outward, parallel with your shoulders. Hold your hands flat beside your neck, palms downward, and fingers extended, pointing forward. Suddenly and forcefully step forward with your left foot, thrust your hands directly forward, and lower your head between your arms, eyes forward. As you do so exhale silently, visualize the Light raising back up through your body, and project it out through your fingertips.


The Mysterious Sword Hand
Research Yoga Mudra. Hand positions are symbolic of the mind's Intention. They are also known as Mind Seals. Think of the power of pointing with a single finger to direct someone to look in a specific direction, raising your palm to indicate danger and tell someone to stop immediately, shaking your fist in someone's face. Mudra, specifically Dhyana mudra is used in meditation.
In Tai Chi Chuan the basic palm shape is referred to as "Fair Maiden Hand" The hand appears relaxed and attractive. The Qi is extended all the way to the tips of the fingers. The fingers are slightly spaced apart and straight, but not straight. Limp, curled, and gnarled fingers stagnant Qi flow. Keep in mind the meridians (Qi pathways in the body) run through the whole body from toes (Earthy root) to the fingers (termination point of energy expression).
In Tai Chi Sword, the left hand forms the shape of a sword to complement the right hand holding the actual sword. This balances and connects the arms together.
In Qi Healing, this becomes the therapist's energy needle to send Qi into an acupuncture point to either tonify or sedate. The training to accomplish this is found in Qigong calisthenics to concentrate the Qi flow to a very small point. Shaolin monks externalize this energy to do push-ups or finger stands, on a single finger. They call this One Finger Zen. This reference comes also from a classic Zen story.
First, we practice to move Qi with physical movement. Movements done correctly can encourage the free flow of Qi. Misalignments and forced articulations can stagnate Qi. Second, building on this practice, coordinated breathing and attention to bodily sensations can promote the ability to move the body with Qi. Third, the mind become more intimate with the internal landscape of the body. Refined dexterity, ease and range of movement fosters an even higher achievement, when the mind's will generates a clear Intention that the body can accomplish effortlessly, effectively and efficiently. Engaging the whole body, including down to the tips of the fingers, is body connection. The whole mind-body cooperates to coordinate